My Cooking Schedule
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: Large Family Meals to feed 4-6+
Monday - Tuesday: Leftovers from Weekend
Wednesday: Finish Leftovers and whatever else is in fridge that needs to be eaten before spoiling.
Thursday: Kid friendly- Hamburger Helper, Pigs-n-Blanket, if desperate canned Raviolis or PB&J
This schedule has evolved from my family's schedules and routines. I focus my cooking on 3 main days. This does not mean I don't ever cook on Monday thru Wednesday, lately I think I have cooked every night. Either I am getting better at cooking or they have all turned into mini garbage disposals. I am currently doubling all of my recipes and still not coming out ahead.
My new favorite "cooking" is freezer cooking!!! What a blessing this is! Thank you Carrie at for introducing me to this concept. I have always froze leftover portions of a large ham for later use and things such as that, but now I prepare things specifically to put in freezer for later use! I have brand new recipes specifically designed to be prepped, frozen, and cooked later! My husband is coming to love this as well. I can now send him real home cooked food on the truck. All he has to do is pop it in the microwave and go!
I have also fell in love with my crockpot, and now need a larger one! Again, sending major kudos to Carrie! You have to check out her site! She has taught me not only how to coupon and shop better, but also how to cook!
I look forward to sharing many recipes with you all! In the time being here are some tips and tricks to freezer cooking/food prep.
Terms and Tips
- Flash Freeze: Place food item in freezer for approximately 2 hours or until frozen thru. Then place in freezer storage container (baggies, freezer safe plastic containers with lids, etc.)
- Do not freeze anything on or in any sort of foil if you plan to cook or reheat in the microwave.
- Divide and Conquer: One of the main tricks and tips with couponing is to buy the smallest size applicable to the coupon you are planning to use, which is how we are able to get many food items super cheap or even free. Sometimes there are no coupons available for things such as cheese or bacon when I need them. At these times, I buy the best deal which is generally the huge/value size. I treat this just like I do meat. I divide it into portions in baggies and freeze separately. For my household that is 10 slices of bacon, typically 5 baggies out of 1 pack. Let me compare my prices for you. I could of bought the small (not good quality- just saying) pack of bacon that has about 10 pieces in it for about $2.99. To get my 5 packs that would of cost me right at $15. I bought the huge pack for $7.99, making each of my 5 packs $1.60 each. I do the same with cheese, except I divide it into mainly 1 cup portions in baggies. The great thing about doing this with both bacon and cheese is you can thaw it in a matter of minutes!
- Onions, Bell Peppers, Squash: Cut, Chop, Slice, or Dice. Place in Freezer Safe container and cover. Can freeze all together or flash freeze (ex. squash you want to fry up later.)
- I have been told that you can freeze the following fruits and vegetables whole as is and they come out excellent: Tomatoes, Bananas, Squash, Cucumbers.