Thursday, October 20, 2011

Clearance Shopping

I love Clearance!!!  I am not afraid to admit it.  I have already filled a box full of Christmas presents, and had to start wrapping to get them out of the way (more on that later.)  I will spend as much time as needed combing thru the clearance aisle to try to score some awesome deals!  Here is my most recent find, sorry guys it was the only one:

Found this on Clearance at Homeland last night!  Ordinarily I would of passed; however, last week I got a $1 coupon for any Crayola Beginning Product in a pack of Pullups I bought!

Crayola Beginnings Clearance priced $2.00
Coupon $1 doubles at Homeland:     - 2.00
Christmas present for my niece =      FREE

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