Thursday, October 20, 2011

Love my trucker!

I have been blessed with the best husband a girl could dream.  He's an amazing man and fantastic father to our children.  He has found a way to balance all of us and his passion for driving truck.  I have called it a curse, obsession, deal-breaker, however one day I came to the break point.  I had 2 choices: pack me and the kids and hightail it as far away from the diesel smoke, greasy clothes, and man I love as quick as I could or suck it up and figure out how to make it work.  Many do not realize the sacrifices truckers and their families make to supply the world with the goods they need to survive.  Without our truckers, there would be no goods in the stores for us to buy, no roads to drive on, no houses to live in or supplies to fix them, the world is so dependent on our truckers, but it's a behind the scenes dependence.  I don't know how many times I have heard, "Your husband's a trucker!  O wow, bet you love that paycheck!"  Grrrrr...  O yeah I love a decent check this week, no check next week- or most of the winter at times, then an awesome check, to catch up the bills we had to skip last week when we had no check.  It's not all that bad, don't get me wrong, but there are times when you wanna pull your hair out, and his.  With love, patience, and prayers, we can do anything.  Making it work requires a talent for multitasking and an open mind.  This is all based on what I have learned as a truckers wife, but I hope what I share is able to help everyone, single parents, stay at home parents, working parents, truckers' spouses, anyone who can use a fresh idea every now and then!

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